everyday i walk by this place. it is a historical building where they have weddings, parties and other events. lots of euros walk by and take pictures. this particular week there are some men and women from the ccc making adobe bricks. ccc as in the california...
i’m all out. you know it’s bad when you have to post a shot like this. i guess it doesn’t matter all that much when no one comes to your site anyway. asked a stranger if i could take their picture today. i was still shaking 15 minutes later. maybe it...
our neighbor commented that it was nice that we went to church on easter. i wanted to tell her that we go to church every week. i couldn’t muster it up though. had a great time with friends and family yesterday. good church service, good nap, good food and...
laughter can be so pure. question of the day: if you could be famous the world over for one thing, what would it be?
went to vons last night and was perusing the produce when this indian man walks up to me and stares me down. this is what transpires: him: you go to ucsb? me: no him: you from korea? me: no him: what do you do? me: computer work him: do you like to keep your options...
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