they never tire of the tractor. there is something about it. they also are fascinated with jim the horse. the 2100 pound belgian beast. all in all a good weekend. no complaints here. the best part of it? going to reality carpinteria. that places rocks. i mean, so does...
today we had our firm retreat. bowling at zodos. a photo scavenger hunt. a firm wide meeting. leadership/training exercise. recognition. i was recognized today for working at the firm for the past 10 years of my life. it was really quite nice. i received a lovely gift...
this was about the best thing about our trip to the wilcox property/douglas preserve. we were supposed to do more geocaching, but it turns out that i am really bad at it. we didn’t find the cache, the girls wanted to eat snacks and i forgot their jackets. on top...
every night i count shrimp. you see we bought 10 ghost shrimp to add to our eight in the tank. every night since then i can only find 12. i’m not sure where the other 6 went. oh wait. there’s one on the floor. dried shrimp. some people eat this on rice....
couldn’t resist. the past few images have all been courtesy of the hexar. i’m loving film these days. right now i have a roll of black and white film courtesy of greg. thanks greg.
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