kenz was sick today. she was throwing up and that is never good. she seems to have made a good recovery in time for bedtime though. maddie is really into this woman who sings on tv. some crazy video that we borrowed from the speakes i think it is brain washing her. we made it to costco. got some dogs and even some polish ones.
question of the day: do dolphins sleep?
not sure, but when i was at the beach yesterday i saw them flipping in the air like a show at sea world . . . . .and about 4-5 of them were surfing in the waves, like in those posters . .. . . .. amazing . . . .. .
Dolphins have what is called a “conscious” rest. They rest half of their brain at a time…never going into a “full” sleep.
These are the odd things you learn when your school mascot is a dolphin.
man you’re smart!!!!
love you guys,