one of the best things about having kids is the poop stories. here is one for you.

maddie runs out of the room. not sure where she is going, i must follow. she is sitting on the toilet.

me: you going potty?
maddie: yep. i’m going poo poo.
me: ok, you tell me when you are done.
maddie: i’m done.
me: oh. well let me help you.
maddie: i’m not done. i have to go 5.
me: 5?
maddie: yeah, 5 poo poos.
me: ok. yell at me when you are done.

i’m just about to turn and leave, but she hunkers down and then i hear.

maddie: oh daddy, that’s a huge one.
me: it sure is.
maddie: oh. it looks like a carrot.

question of the day: are you in favor of the extended daylight savings?