on saturday we went to see our great aunt mary. she has alzheimers and cancer. she was once a talented seamstress to the stars, life of the party and loved to drink beer. what once was, are now fond memories. i think that is what is best. we have the memories. she uttered few words and ate little. she was aware though. she reached out to kenzie everytime kenzie ran by her. old life, new life. life is precious.
question of the day: local news or local paper?
local paper . . . . .and if you are wondering why i am up at 3:30am . . . . .it’s the jetlag . . . . . .sucky . . . . P
Local paper always. With a cup of coffee.
local paper. these days mostly scanned headlines.
nice photo. you are awesome.
local news = weather
local paper = headlines
Great pic, T. Love you.
Tis true! The picture is worth a thousand words. And the thousand words are all said in one…family.Fantastic photo. Thanks for making Uncle Waffle and Aunt Mary’s day.