choves – hexar

do you want to feel dumb? tonight we played this game. numbered two columns one through fifty. we tried to fill in all the states and their corresponding capitals. you should try it sometime. unless you are really good at this kind of stuff. and if you are....

kenz by reala 100

we have been playing this new game. it’s pretty funny. the shista’s as kenz calls she and her sister want to be patients and i get to be the doctor. the best part of it is, i as the doctor get to use anything i want to be part of the kit. instead of the...

peebo & nama

peebo/uncle peebo and mom/nama. family. i cherish them. i’m saddened and just feel horrible for james kim and his family. i don’t know what it is about that story that weighs so heavy on me. maybe because i have two girls about the same age or whatever. i...

too much

too much to write about. so i’ll do the outline version. shotgun style. i. dinner at the san ysidro ranch last night for kimberly’s birthday. ii. it was awesome. iii. this is a picture from the hexar. iv. i’m really full from dinner. v. i just...

happy birthday

today is my sister’s birthday! the most loving sister, auntie, daughter, friend and teacher. we love you! hope you have a great day. looking forward to celebrating with you tonight.