daughter no. 1 got a new hat this weekend. it fits very well.
i can’t remember a weekend that was so good. we spent a lot of time just the four of us. we hit the zoo. we hit the park. we hit tri county for some good snacks. we hit up big 5 for some new goggles. we hit up the pool. we went to church. it was fabulous. now if...
last week we were at the fair. this week we did something equally fun for the fraction of the price. wednesday night we headed over to baskin robbins for .31 scoops of ice cream. we braved the 1/2 hour wait in line to get 5 scoops for, wait for it. 1.55. yep. you...
it is becoming harder and harder to catch a smile from daughter no. 1. this was a rare catch. did a replant on some plants in the aquarium and did some painting on my hands and knees this weekend. other than that it was mellow. just the way i like it.
tonight we surprised the girls and took them to the fair. it was a great family trip. we ran into friends and ate lots of fair food. the highlight was probably the ferris wheel. the big ferris wheel. mom and daughter no. 1 were high and very frightened. white...
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