shake it

they sing this song from mulan ii. i have no idea what they are singing. something about a rock, huh, huh. or something. they swing their swords and shake it like no one’s business.

volcom hawaii

this was one of my highlights of the weekend. play time at the park. slurpees at willow glen, running in the grass and swinging. doesn’t get much better than this.

kitchen time

a lot of this weekend revolved around food. dinner at nama and papa’s on friday. dinner with the crawfords on saturday. ate out on sunday. we eat a lot. i think this will be coming to an end soon. or else i may be exercising a ton more. oh one other thing....


lots of thoughts this week. new puppy for nama and papa, uncle peebo’s birthday, kenz had a clear eeg and got to spend some solo time with the girls tonight. raptor readers, honu book and snuggles. life is good.


this is my dad. he is a hero to many. he provides an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on. he provides wisdom to many and grace to many more. he is the man i live to be like.