every once in a while you capture and image that provokes an emotional repsonse. anyone who is capable of loving can and will agree with me. i took this picture early on in kenzie’s life. she is right around a month old. it reminds me to go and check on them every night before i go to sleep. i always make sure they are covered with a blanket and i whisper, “i love you.” it may be a little tricky to continue this once they start locking me out of their room.
forward time about 2 months and now all h e double hockey sticks is breaking loose with christmas right around the corner. lots of crying, temper tantrums, chaos with presents and trying to get stuff done. we will be driving around the world this holiday pleasing every set of parents. but hey, tis the season.
taken with the digi rebel and the 50mm 1.8
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