
lots of thoughts this week. new puppy for nama and papa, uncle peebo’s birthday, kenz had a clear eeg and got to spend some solo time with the girls tonight. raptor readers, honu book and snuggles. life is good.


this is my dad. he is a hero to many. he provides an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on. he provides wisdom to many and grace to many more. he is the man i live to be like.

the girls with flare

sometimes we take for granted that we live in sb with beautiful spaces all around us. last weekend we cruised to elings park. let the girls hike around and get the wiggles out. took the bronica and got some good results. i’m really enjoying shooting it. but i...

why is it?

why is it after thirty seven years i finally get a ticket. all because my haircut ran late and i had ten minutes to get to work to do a training session. did you know that de la vina goes from no posted speed limit to thirty five to twenty five in a matter of four...


taken over christmas with the bronica 645. maddie loving the new veterinarian setup. complete with stethoscope, blood pressure cuff and crash cart.