weekends are too short. i guess they tend to go by fast when you are not just sitting around. weedwhacked the grass, got the car washed, hung out with the girls, went to the zoo, sora’s bd party and a yl meeting. all good stuff. maybe just too much though. maybe...
tonight at homegroup i had the opportunity to listen to russ carr and to hear what they are doing in africa. sports outreach is amazing. they are touching lives by just loving them. it is humbling and amazing. question of the day: what are you humbled...
kenz was sick today. she was throwing up and that is never good. she seems to have made a good recovery in time for bedtime though. maddie is really into this woman who sings on tv. some crazy video that we borrowed from the speakes i think it is brain washing her. we...
thanks to geordie for commenting that we have something old mixed in with something new. i like that. busy week ahead. i’ll be glad when it is all behind us. question of the day: is the world getting better or worse?
excellent way to end the weekend. had the turkey feast yesterday with family and had the extra dark meat too. purchased some new fish over the weekend and am feeling pretty optimistic about the entire project. not much to report. thanks to everyone that helped me...
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